OSCAR would like to showcase your photos!
In preparation for the release of the updated version of OSCAR, we are looking for clear, illustrative photos for many of the topics on the site.
Today, we are looking for photos of TERRA COTTA TILE ROOFS.
Specifically, we are seeking shots that are head-on, “texture” shots such as these.
Other, related photos include:
- missing terra cotta tiles
- damaged terra cotta (of any type of damage)
- repaired terra cotta roofs
Please email your photo to: apt.tcsp@gmail.com. Please also include who is to be credited for the photo. (That is, you or your office.) If selected, your photo will appear in the new version of OSCAR.
Thank you!
OSCAR, the Online Sustainable Conservation Assistance Resource, is an initiative of the APT Technical Committee on Sustainable Preservation.