OSCAR would like to showcase your photos!
In preparation for the release of the updated version of OSCAR, we are looking for clear, illustrative photos for many of the topics on the site.
Today, we are looking for photos of RIGID INSULATION.
Note: image by Architectural Resources Group.
Specifically, we are seeking shots that are head-on, close-up detail “texture” shots such as these, these, or this one of a terra cotta tile roof:
Note: terra cotta photo by SHKS Architects.
Other, related photos we are also seeking include:
- Rigid Insulation in different locations, including:
- Roof Insulation
- Attic Insulation
- Wall Insulation
- Subterranean Insulation
- Insulation in other locations
- Rigid Insulation of different materials including:
- Fiberglass
- Mineral Wool
- Extruded Polystyrene (XPS)
- Expanded Polystyrene (EPS)
- Polyisocyanurate (Polyiso)
- Polyurethane
- Packed Straw
- Straw Boards (Agriboard)
- Wood Fiberboard
- Other Rigid Insulation
Please email your photo to: apt.tcsp@gmail.com. Please also include who is to be credited for the photo (that is, you or your office), and the photo location (city, state/province, country). If selected, your photo will appear in the new version of OSCAR.
Thank you!